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Earthians from planet Earth

First time out of Earth traveller

If you are first time out of Earth Traveller, please be aware every planet, stars, nebulas, clouds have different processors, therefore, the data receivables are absolutely different from planet Earth. For more information please contact your local customer service guidance

Planning the travelling

If you are an Earthen traveler, please be aware, other planets have different higher intellectual beings. For an Earthian traveller to feel comfortable, please ask for the guidance before booking the trip.

If you are living Earthian, please contact your local agent for further information. As at the current state any trips out of Solar system cannot be performed as living Earthians. Based on many factors the trips out of known by Earthians Solar system could be impossibly dangerous. 

The structure of the living Earthians is based on memories, body fluids and body as it is, influenced by many factors. Just as any life at planet Earth, the mind is connected to many environmental factors, which influence the reality. Just as travelling to another country, space travelling, as clear as it is, could be is also using a reader based on previous experience, "destiny" and memories. Therefore, for living Eathians we only offering travelling among Solar System, it's moons and certain constellations. To be able to travel anywhere out of planet Earth it requires complete recreations, due to the Earth conditions of origins. Therefore, even travel out to Solar system is already a very different process for unexperienced out of space traveller. 

Black Holes and Earthians

Trips to Black holes are available, but for a limited time only and to a carefully selected destinations, as we prefer safety and higher level of quality trips.

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